Our kids started fasting at an early age and it is surely a big deal for us so we make sure they feel special with each Ramadan ? We try our best to make get them as excited as we are when this beautiful month approaches…Alhamdulilla
When you feed a family of seven and everyday feels like a party….
No food goes waste in our household : If you know me we love re purposing leftovers
This iftar party was hosted by us before the actual month of Ramadan just for the kids because they definitely deserved it…last year covid changed plans for us anyway Alhamdulilla for everything We are truly grateful for being able to witness another Ramadan safe with our families
Fasting for so many hours is not mandatory on kids below the age of puberty but our babies chose to start early on their own so we decided to get them into the Ramadan spirit by teaching them the importance of fasting in their way : which is ofcourse through their stomachs lol!!!
Having said that let me remind you that this is not our iftar table everyday…let’s get real my dear friends : am sure most of us moms know how hard it is to actually bring everything to the table during the time of fasting….Much Respect to all super moms out there who manage to put iftar on the table every single day with no help : virtual hug ?
The kids helped set up everything and when I mean everything we started from scratch : setting the table, making the short eats, the drinks , and even the sweets
On the menu was all our favorite things :
?Platter of Kebabs with their favorite dips and Cheese Bread Rolls
Chicken Kebab
Beef Shammi Kebabs
Srilankan Fish Cutlets
Zaatar Cheese Scrolls
Used the same dough made the zaatar cheese scrolls
?Meat Pizzas
Refer to the recipe link attached below :

?Fresh Fruit and Salad is always a must on our iftar table
?And ofcourse the sweet things included fruit kebabs,pistachio biscuits and Milk Sanja(Agar Agar Pudding)
Recipe for AGAR AGAR Pudding

Ramadan Porridge is mandatory during Iftar in every muslim household.Recipe is available in my blog site.Refer to link attached below :
Fresh Chilled Thambili is our thirst quencher throughout this beautiful month
We don’t encourage our kids to have sweet sugary drinks as soon as they break their fast

We had so much fun putting everything together and I hope you enjoyed this little video of ours
Watch the IGTV video on my Instagram Feed.Link is attached below :
Read about my Iftar Tips and Advice in my previous post
May Allah accept our fasts and May this be a blessed Ramadan
We Don’t forget to teach them the virtues of this month specially about caring and sharing
So we got them a Sadaqah Jar where they would drop in a small sum of money daily just to learn that every little thing counts.It’s not only how much you give but how many times you give…Giving more is not less
If I have ever caused anyone of you distress in anyway whether it be intentional or unintentional (probably unintentional) pls do forgive me sincerely…
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May Allah Subhanahu wa Taala keep us all safe, healthy, protected, blessed and successful during and after Ramadan.
May Allah bless us all with the countless bounties and Barakah of Ramadan.
May Allah shower HIS mercy on all of us during and after Ramadan.
May Allah grant us all the health, strength, long pious life and hidaya to fast, recite the Holy Quran and do all the good deeds in the acceptable manner as ordained to us.
May Allah make us follow the sunnah of our beloved Prophet pbuh.
May Allah bless us all to witness and benefit from the night of decree.
May He forgive all of us and be pleased with us and reward us both here and in the aakhira.
May Allah Subhanahu wa Taala remove this virus from the world and open the masjids for all of us and bring back life to its normalcy.
May Allah Subhanahu wa Taala keep us all with all our near and dear ones united with love and care both here and in jannatul firdous.
Much Love ?? Nuzrath