Pittu or Puttu is another winner in my home !!!
Most times it is made up of rice flour and fresh coconut that is layered and steamed in the cylinder shaped mould like I did with the Mani Pittu in my earlier post.
There are many variations to this Traditional Meal depending on where you come from…Pittu Kothu,Yaal Pittu,Savoury Pittu.Stuffed Pittu,Vege Pittu and much more
My mom makes a layered Savoury or Sweet pittu and it was one of my husband’s favorite things when we first got married.The recipe for this will be uploaded in the blog site as well.Refer to link attached below :
I have used two kinds of methods to make this Pittu :
(01)The Store Bought pack from OGM that has the coconut and rice flour already mixed in together.All I have to do is sprinkle some coconut water and get the mixture ready.This one’s ideal during times when you have no time to be scraping fresh coconut and when you have no help but you still want to enjoy a great Pittu Meal

(02) Making the mixture from scratch,using freshly grated coconut and Roasted Rice Flour
I always use StoreBought Rice Flour(Brands may vary depending on where you’re from) because it is freely available but you could definitely do the soaking,milling and roasting in your home if you have the facilities to do so…I remember my mom had a lovely lady who used to come home every week just to do this for us and I used to love watching them in the process the smell of the freshly roasted rice flour is still fresh in my head…
Let’s Get Started
Option One : Instant Pack
Follow instructions on the packet and make the mixture

Fill up the Pittu mould with the mixture
Steam till its done

Unmould and enjoy warm
Option Two : Make from Scratch
You Will Need
- 3 Cups Roasted Rice Flour or Wheat Flour
- When using Wheat Flour you must fry roast before using
- 2 Cups Freshly Grated Coconut blended(optional)
- Salt if needed

Mix the blended coconut with the flour using your fingers,use coconut water if needed.
Just keep sprinkling the water with your hands do not pour like you would do for String Hoppers or Mani Pittu as this is not a dough.Use your fingers and move it around in a circular motion starting from the top of the flour and working your way down to the bottom of the bowl.Moving the bowl around will help make this easier to get to all parts of the flour mixture.Maybe I’m wrong but this has proven to be a great trick for me : but having said that what may work for me may not always work for everyone so please feel free to comment on your tips and tricks on how to get the perfect Pittu Mixture ??

You might still feel larger clumps , break them using your fingers and keep passing your fingers around till you feel the mixture resembles a Sand like texture
Watch the video in my Instagram Post to see how it is easily made by moving the bowl around while mixing it to get the perfect texture…Refer to link attached below
Get the Pittu Mould ready and boiling now.Check if the bottom disc is in tact,if not the mixture will fall through the bottom

Spoon a handful of freshly grated coconut at the bottom if you prefer something extra…This is entirely optional though.The pittu smells amazing when you do this additional step

Fill them up and allow the steam to come out of the top before closing the top lid

Then once the steam is seen comin out close it and let this steam for at least 5 minutes or untill you see the steam passing out again and the pleasing smell would help you realize the Pittu is done.

If you don’t see steam you have put too much mixture and there’s no gaps for the steam to pass through,thus resulting in under cooked Pittu…Not something you want to experience?? So when filling up the pittu mould make sure you don’t overload or press too hard which may not give you best results.
Remember to be very careful when handling the hot Pittu mould while unmoulding
It has to form a cylindrical shape when done and unmoulded

Ideally served warm with Spicy Fish Gravy and Pol Sambol or Katta Sambol
My mother loves to eat her Roasted Wheat Flour Pittu with freshly squeezed coconut milk and Kithul Jaggery…..am salivating already Wonderful Childhood Memories
Find the link to the recipe for Katta Sambol and Pol Sambol
The link to Four Kinds of Fish Curries can be found in my post with the recipe for Watti Shoru(Seafood Rice)
Find the link to Mani Pittu attached below :
Would love to see your remakes on this deliciousness.Be sure to tag me on social media or send me a screen shot of your post so I can re share them on my stories
Stay Safe ?Stay Home ?Stay Sane ?Stay Responsible
Much Love ? Nuzrath