Savoury Muffins using Finch Sweet Potato Flour
Sweet Potato Flour is made from all natural sweet potatoes and it’s a great substitute for all purpose flour.This particular flour is naturally gluten free,grain free and vegan/paleo friendly however this has been packed in an environment where nuts and gluten products are handled so if you have severe allergies this might not be your thing.

This is a fool proof recipe that can be made within a short amount of time.Staying focused on eating clean while also having to survive a long day,can be quite challenging for moms like us.This can be frozen in batches and reheated when needed because having food prepped at home can make reaching your fitness goals more realistic…
Check out my Instagram Page for some amazing inspiration on all Finch Products and watch how I made these delicious muffins on my recent IGTV Post
All Premium Finch products that can enrich your life with @finch.foods
You can get your favorite products delivered by placing an order on the Finch website or via UberEats/PickMe
Their Premium range is also available at Keells,Cargills,SPAR,Laugfs,and GLOMARK and selected retail outlets islandwide
Let’s Get Started
You Will Need
- 200g Finch Sweet Potato Flour
- 2 tsp Baking Powder
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 1/2 tsp Cayenne Pepper
- 1/2 tsp dried herbs
- 1/4 Cup Olive Oil
- 1/4 Cup Coconut Milk
- 1/4 Cup Grated Cheddar Cheese
- 5 Eggs
Step One : Mix dry Ingredients together in a bowl
Step Two : Mix Wet Ingredients in another bowl

Step Three : Combine both wet and dry ingredients to make a cake – ish batter
Step Four : Add Cheese (leave some to go on top)

Step Five : You could add any kind of filling at this point.
Leftover minced meat or any kind of shredded meat would be ideal to uplift the flavour and that extra protein would be useful for your body
I kept it simple by just using some fresh spring onion leaves
Step Six : Transfer spoonfuls to a large lined muffin tray.This makes about 12 large muffins
Step Seven : Sprinkle more cheese on top

Step Eight : Bake in a preheated oven at 180’ for atleast 20-30 minutes or until the toothpick comes out clean just like regular cake.
Let this cool before serving
A perfect snack when you’re not really hungry to have a large meal.Just pop it in the microwave for few seconds and you’ve got yourself a warm savory muffin to go…
Can be used as a side dish with your choice of main meals too

Would love to see your remakes on this deliciousness.Be sure to tag me or send me a screenshot if your account is private so I can re share on my stories
Stay Safe and Be Responsible
Much Love ?? Nuzrath