Broken Wheat Porridge Sweet Version

I’m sure most of you in my community would not fail to recognise Broken Wheat which is also known as “Godhambu” or “Dhalia”
Mostly cooked in the form of a savory porridge during the blessed month of Ramadan which is less than six months away Inshalla
However we also make an aromatic cardamom infused sweeter version which warms your soul during the fall season.This porridge is sweetened with original Kithul Jaggery which makes it healthy and wholesome.

Broken Wheat is high in essential nutrients and fibre that supports healthy digestion and reduces inflammation.It has many other health benefits that do more good than harm if consumed in the right quantity.
My recipe is super simple , yet the outcome is so so delicious your family will want this to be on the table more often than ever. Creamy porridge slow cooked in coconut milk and sweetened with natural sugars like Kithul Jaggery,Dates, or Coconut Sugar.
Topped with toasted nuts and more coconut flakes to add more texture to this delightful bowl of goodness.
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Don’t forget to check out my Instagram page for more cooking inspiration.Link is attached below :
Let’s Get Started
You Will Need

- One Cup Broken Wheat
- One Cup Coconut Milk(One Cup more milk if needed)
- Pinch of Salt
- 1 tsp Cardamom Powder
- 1/4 Cup Kithul Jaggery
- 1/4 Cup Roasted Nuts and Raisins
Step One : Add in Broken Wheat,salt and cardamom powder with thin milk and slow cook in a skillet for atleast 30 minutes till nice and tender.You could even PressureCook this for 5 whistles but I understand not everyone owns a pressure cooker.
I did not pre soak the broken wheat but you can do so if that’s how you prefer.I washed the broken wheat in running water till it was clear of the starch.
We don’t like it when the porridge is over cooked and mushy but you could cook for like her if that’s the kind of texture you prefer.
Step Two : Add Jaggery

Step Three : Adding more thick milk at this point will make this porridge creamier.
Keep the stove on low and continue to cook till this thickens up a little less than how you want it to be while keeping in mind that it thickens as it cools down too.

Right now it looks and smells absolutely amazing
I served this warm and garnished with buttered nuts and raisins….A spoon of warmth in every bite !!!

Would love to see your remakes on this deliciousness.Be sure to tag me on social media or send me a screenshot if your account is private so I can reshare them on my stories
Much Love ?? Nuzrath