Let’s Talk About Chutneys Today!!!
Chutney is a sweet & savory condiment that originated from India ?? (correct me if am wrong!!!) It is vegan & gluten free most of the time
Well,it comes in many forms depending on where you’re from and what cuisine it is balanced with….
Chutneys are made by slow cooking veges or fruits of choice with sugar & vinegar,and that’s what makes it different to a jam because jams are usually preserved with mostly sugars.There are the raw kind of chutneys as well because not all of them are necessarily sweet!!!
The Chutney Kade is a small home based business that offers you many favorite condiments as such….All their products are hand made with so much care and attention???Give them a chance to show you what I mean….
They have a variety of lip smacking chutneys and my favorite one has to be the Pineapple & Mango Chutney. The Strawberry Chutney is their newest addition & a must try!!!!They’re selling out soo fast!!! Ideal to be served on a little cheese and cracker board?????? or even over a simple toast

They also have an array of Fried Sambols which are ready to eat!!!

Sprats Fry made from the tiny dried fish that are similar in taste of the anchovies
Kunisso Fry made from dried shrimps

Maldive Fish Fry made from dried and cured fish flakes for those fancy that umami flavour.
Beef or Chicken Fry for the meat lovers

Garlic & Onion Fry for the vegetarians
How can you not have Malay Pickle with your favourite Biryani.All you have to do is mix in red onions, capsicums, carrots, and some pickles of choice.You have just made yourself a winner dish that compliments any special Lankan meal…..
The Seeni Sambol needs no introduction if you’re Lankan!!! A sweet & savory caramelized onion relish…
All these Fried Sambols go well as an accompaniment with something as simple as plain rice or even a slice of bread and butter.It is a must have in most muslim homes because they’re so versatile and can be made use of in many ways!!!
Something we always pack for those traveling abroad to remind them of home and when they’re in need of a quick fix meal during their busy schedule.May not be the healthiest thing in the world but the most comforting thing you can have when you’re in a foreign land with no spicy food ??? Don’t you agree???
Do place your orders with them at the earliest!!!!
Contact @thechutneykade Follow The Link Below
Much Love Nuzrath ?