Winner Winner Chicken Dinner !!!
Oven Baked Crispy Chicken as crispy as it can get….
This chicken was cooked in less than 5 steps with less than 5 ingredients:

? Step One : Marinate Chicken in ButterMilk

?Step Two : Coat in seasoned flour

Seasoned Flour : plain flour,salt nai miris powder from finch
?Step Three : Bake in a preheated oven @180’ : 20 minutes each side
?Step Four : Drizzle Hot Spicy Kewpie Dressing

?Step Five : Just Enjoy the perfect Crispy Chicken !!!
My contribution to the #foodiefunfiesta challenge hosted by my friends @my_baking_journal and @hungry_lankan. This weeks theme is #whipitwithfive where I used less than five ingredients to prep a meal
Check out my post on Instagram to see more details.Refer to link attached below :
We served this as a “make your own burger” kind of meal for the kids and the kewpie pepper mayo with french fries was such a hit??

Our burger meals are always completed with a fried runny egg….
How du like yours???

Would love to see your remakes of this deliciousness.Be sure to tag me or send me a screenshot if your account is private so I can re share it in my stories
Stay Safe and Stay Responsible
Much Love ? Nuzrath

Product Details :
Chicken and Buttermilk from @kingcreek_farms_
Finch : Nai Miris Powder
Kewpie Pepper Mayo @finch_lk @mayonnaise_by_finch
Kewpie Hot Spicy Dressing
Baking Tray : @elegant_charms
Eggs : @arogyafarm
Veges :
Wooden Board : @minimal.simple