“The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday” Muhammed (Sal)
Sahih Muslim : 854
Fridays are usually special in every muslim household and when I mean special there’s nothing better than the celebration of food !!!
So like most Fridays we gather at our parents house for lunch after Salathul-Jum’ah (Obligatory Friday Prayers) and usually my mil would lovingly spoil us with a specmmial menu every week based on each ones requests ( well my husband is always the first to convince mummy to cook his favorite meals,lol)
Anyway this week being their anniversary my sil decides we should contribute for the Jummah Special and that turned out to be a great meal Alhamdulilla
“Oh Allah have mercy upon them as they had mercy upon us when we were small”
Seafood Fried Rice made by Nazia my talented sister in law
The Middle Cut Company Srilankan Chilli Crab and Garlic Prawns.Refer to link below to place your order for their specials or the Fresh Seafood through their instagram page or WhatsApp : +94 (76) 246 5494
All fresh vegetables were sourced from Sunny Bees.Refer to link below to place your order via Instagram
The Dessert was Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Dip made by Nazla my youngest sister in law

Do check out my post on instagram and show some love
Stay Safe ? Stay Home ? Stay Sane ? Be responsible
Much Love ? Nuzrath